A musical experience like none other- brought you by certified vibe curation experts, Seth & Evan.
At Houseplant, we make records for people who love weed, because that’s who we are. We like to smoke and hang out and maybe dance a little and definitely have fun, so we created records perfectly curated for smoking, hanging out, dancing and having fun.
There’s something you need to understand about when we were growing up in Vancouver in the ’90s. There were simply LESS THINGS IN THE WORLD. Whatcha did back then was you’d sit by your cassette player listening to the radio, then when they said the name of the upcoming song—if it was a song you wanted on your cassette—you hit record. Nowadays, we go about it VERY differently. We meticulously curate a selection of songs together based on our music taste. Once we narrow it down to the number of songs we need for the latest vinyl, we hunker down together and deduce the best order to put the songs in. An album is an emotional journey and needs to be structured in the right way.
Pair Houseplant Vinyl with other favorites.
Let's fix that.